Church Square Erkner

Our successful competition entry for the design of the church forecourt in Erkner was implemented in 2020. A multi-coded design opens up the square as a meeting place for everyone. The weekly market can take place here, as can church services, public events or simply a place to linger and take part in city life. The curved corten steel elements, which we developed ourselves, lend the square dynamism through their varying widths and heights. A small fountain with water fountains in different heights and colors, surrounded by benches, forms a special point of attraction. The edges of the square are planted with high-quality perennials, shrubs and trees. Rainwater is infiltrated on site via the surface and in underfloor troughs. We are pleased about the continuous use of the square, which speaks for the high level of acceptance among the residents.

Commissioned by: City of Erkner
2019 – 2021
Phases 1 – 9

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